Security Policy
In English for disclosure.
At Digitoimisto Dude Oy (Finnish limited company), we offer top quality hosting and upkeep for our clients. Most of them lack comprehensive knowledge of security or privacy issues. That’s why we ask you to report the security issues directly to us.
After receiving a disclosure, we will let all affected customers know about that with all the necessary details included. If the disclosed issue is severe or the reporter asks us, we’ll ensure that the client acknowledges receipt of the information directly to the reporter.
Please submit security and privacy risk or issue disclosures via mail to
To protect our customers, we request that you do not publicly post or share any information about disclosed issues until we have researched, responded to, and addressed the reported issue and informed customers.
Bounty price
We fully reserve the right to decide the amount of the bounty (usually from 10 to 50 $). Bounty payments with PayPal only.
Not eligible security reports - no bounty
The following things are not eligible for security reports, as we’ve taken other precautions to mitigate the possible problems:
The lack of Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA)
Plausible ( upstream, please report these to
Open REST API /users/ endpoint
Open author archives (user enumeration)
Sites under subdomains that are not under our control or servers
Public archived GitHub repositories
Reveal.js based or any other repository for presentations
Autoindex for
The lack of visible rate limits on forms
The lack of certain max character limit in forms
HSTS/HTTPS preloading, see this
Tabnabbing / target="_blank" (see this, in Finnish)
Vulnerabilities that have severity of very low, best practice or info, like clickjacking
Info leakage like nginx version or leftover phpinfo
Last updated